RPattz's indie 'Cosmopolis' takes on the fresh franchise in MTV Movie Brawl 2012 — vote now!
By Eric Ditzian
Jennifer Lawrence in "The Hunger Games"
Photo: Lionsgate
It started three weeks ago with a simple question: What is truly the must-see movie of 2012?
Everyone's got an opinion. Maybe you're a "Hobbit" guy who can't believe that, after years of delay, Peter Jackson is set to deliver the first part of his series in December. Or perhaps you're a "Dark Knight Rises" gal with an insatiable itch to see how Christopher Nolan wraps up his Batman trilogy. Or, hey, possibly you're thinking, "Screw all these studio-driven tentpoles! I can't wait for indies like 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' to hit and show us Emma Watson in her first post-'Harry Potter' role!"
But we got to wondering: What's the consensus pick? What's the collective viewpoint across the globe? So we launched MTV Movie Brawl 2012, a fan-driven tournament to determine the year's most-anticipated film. Millions of votes have been cast thus far. The debate has echoed from the pages of MTV News to the updates of the Twitterverse and beyond. Now just two movies remain: "The Hunger Games" and "Cosmopolis."
One is a fresh franchise with a huge fanbase. The other is an indie drama featuring one of the biggest stars on the planet. And less than one day into the action — with hundreds of thousands of votes already cast — it's anybody's guess what is going to happen. And we couldn't be more psyched about it.
As of this writing ,"Hunger Games" is up by less than 2 percent over Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis." It's been an unlikely run for RPattz's cerebral drama, having entered the Brawl bracket as a #4 seed after an impressive run in the play-in round. From there, "Cosmopolis" dispatched another Pattinson flick in "Bel Ami," then shockingly dispatched his own "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2." "The Dark Knight Rises" proved to be no match for "Cosmopolis," and so the movie came to face "Hunger Games."
Jennifer Lawrence's film, which hits theaters in March, was a front-runner from the beginning, and it has not disappointed. Both "John Carter" and Daniel Radcliffe's "Woman in Black" could not trip up the win-at-all-costs run of "Hunger Games." So we wonder: Can Pattinson accomplish what no other star has so far in the Brawl? Can he fell the mighty "Hunger Games"?
All will become clear when the polls close Monday at 5 p.m. Until then, the vote totals are being closely guarded. It's up to the fans to keep voting for their fave flick and to make sure their must-see movie is crowned the champion of MTV Movie Brawl 2012.

Vote For Your Favorite Upcoming Flick In MTV's Movie Brawl 2012!
What are you waiting for? "Hunger Games" and "Cosmopolis" need your support. It's time to show character, poise and heart. Vote for your pick now at MTV Movie Brawl 2012!
Related Videos Related PhotosSource: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1677639/hunger-games-cosmopolis-movie-brawl.jhtml
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